Toki Doki!

Toki Doki!
Simone, founder of TokiDoki, doing cool wall painting at an event at Evo in Seattle

Friday, August 6, 2010

Forays into the Interweb dating world

It's a brave new world out there, children. There are people who, I've discovered, seem to make it a sport/hobby to constantly try to reinvent their profiles and personas online, in the hopes of catching the biggest fish in their respective ponds. While that makes sense to me to some degree, I'm a little more conservative/old fashioned, I just sorta feel like if you're real, honest, and open, then you get what you NEED, not what you WANT. And nothing is more important than what you NEED....because, really, want is just ego getting in the way of you being happy.

Either that, or I'm just bitter that some chick I thought was cool decided to back out on having a drink with decide.

Monday, August 2, 2010

LA is a strange place

I don't know what I expected when I first got to LA, but I've definitely noticed some things about it which give me pause - the weather is always so wonderful, but people here are still so reserved and dismissive. It's not like in NYC, where people can be angry/angsty but still very REAL, LA folk seem more focused on themselves at a much higher level.

I'm also just floored with how much $ there is and ISN'T in this either have it, or you don't, and oh boy, are you fucked if you don't have

I also don't quite get how people can go out and party safely...with such shitty public transport, people have to be driving drunk SO often, it's really not cool.

Thank God for my roommates, my cool place, and disc golf.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome, all who will never see this page!

I can't believe I've joined the Blogosphere....well, I'm definitely not that important, nor do I have anything witty to say right now, so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Welcome to Musings, Ramblings and Randomness, I'm your host, Brendan, AKA BPro, AKA Japanese Brendan, AKA Prouty, AKA B-Rad, AKA - (insert your favorite dirty word here, then conjugate so it makes sense when yelled at a person).

Hold on, it's gonna be a bumpy, lame, angsty ride.
